Make a copy of the selected palette in Colour view and then recolor the original colors used in drawings and[...]
Remove Unused Colors
Remove unused color swatches on scene palettes. The script will also remove empty palettes. This script is compatible with Harmony[...]
Flip/Symmetrize Deformers
Toon Boom Harmony dialog script for mirror, flip and symmetrize envelope deformers. The script can also flip curve and bone[...]
Duplicate Composite With Links
Duplicate selected composite nodes while maintaining the link between the comp and other nodes. This script is ideal for tasks[...]
Delete Unexposed Cels
A Harmony script for deleting Cels that are unexposed in the Timeline. This will also delete cels that are only[...]
Batch Rename Cels
Toon Boom Harmony dialog script that allows you to rename multiple cels at once in the timeline. Tested on Harmony[...]
Bake Parent to Drawings
Bake selected drawing’s parent transformations to the drawing for the selected duration of frames. The script creates new cel on[...]
Curve-Envelope Converter
Convert selected curve modules’ type from curve to envelope and vice versa. You can also select a group that contains[...]
Flip Transformation Keys
Flip keyframe values on selected pegs and/or drawings. You can choose to only modify values on keyframes selected in the[...]
Peg To Static Transformation
Creates a series of Static Transformation modules from the selected Peg’s keyframe values. By converting a Peg to Static modules,[...]